This study aims at researching the model for the development of tourist attraction in 5 (five) museums in Jakarta. Which is data was collected by simple random sampling technique to 300 tourists visiting tourist areas. The research using quantitative descriptive analysis with research method of structural equation modeling (SEM) and Amos for this structural model analysis. The study results show that for increasing the number of visitors and the development of tourist attractions in 5 (five) museums in Jakarta, such as: Jakarta History Museum, Fine Art and Ceramic Museum, National Monument, Puppets Museum and Maritime Museum. The main priority that must be developed to the visitors they are: i) the historical value of the museum ii) local socio-cultural conditions and iii) accommodation infrastructure available around the tourist attraction area to provide the tourist needs. In addition, the significant test (T test) result, showed P Value Tourist attraction variable = ***<0.005, it can be interpreted that the tourist attraction variables have a positive and significant influence to the variable of tourist decision to visiting 5 (five) museums in Jakarta.